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Saint Martin Church - CRT Centre Val de Loire - EN
- Historical sites and monuments -

Saint Martin Church

Saint Martin Church à AUZOUER-EN-TOURAINE © Createur d'images 1

The church of Saint-Martin dates from the 11th century.
Originally the nave was less wide than the present one, which explains the location of the porch, shifted to the left. In the 17th century the nave was enlarged and a chapel was built near the choir. In the 19th century a fire destroyed the apse. The church was completely restored, but the bell tower was destroyed in 1899 because it was up to collapse. The church bell is now inside... The stained glass windows are from the Lobin workshop in Tours, the oldest one represents Saint-Gatien, the first bishop of Tours in the 3rd century and in the chapel on the right, Saint Elisabeth.


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